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Consultation for Professionals & Parents

S.M.I.L.E.S. is available to consult with parents seeking advice, therapists working with clients who would like a different approach or additional insight, School Districts, Organizations, or anyone in a related field who would like more information about the techniques, such as PROMPT, or other therapeutic services that we provide.

Lakota School District, Cincinnati – Case Study

Recently, we worked with the Lacota School District in Cincinnati, OH. We helped the school therapists become more comfortable and proficient with the PROMPT method and also helped them to better identify students that would benefit from the PROMPT method. We showed them how to utilize System Analysis in order to find the appropriate starting point for PROMPT therapy services.

Our method for achieving this was as follows:

  • Day 1: In-depth review of PROMPTing with PROMPT trained speech therapy staff.
  • Day 2: Consultated with each PROMPT trained therapists on individual students to ensure they were applying the correct PROMPTS and the correct level of PROMPTs via the Systems Analysis as well as how to use the Systems analysis to evaluate each student appropriately.
  • Day 3: Continuation of Day 2 objectives.
  • Day 4: Review of PROMPTS and how to formulate and write PROMPT based goals.

Result: Along with being better able to identify appropriate candidates for PROMPT services within the student body, therapists are more competent and confident in their PROMPTing skills and they better understand how to apply the Systems Analysis. Students are making better and faster gaines enabling them to progress through the school system more efficiently.

Private Consultations with Parents of Children Already Enrolled in Speech Services

We frequently work with parents to formulate home programs in feeding and PROMPT. In order for us to provide consultation services outside of S.M.I.L.E.S.’ therapy services, we will need to first evaluate your child to determine the most appropriate program for your child at home.